Well, its Monday the 21st…
She should have fetuses with the important organs mostly developed right now.
Our vet appt is on Wednesday, hopefully they feel something :)
As for how she’s doing ---
Her “rib cage/chest” measurement increased by almost 1 inch, while her waist measurement appears to be the same. Kinda hard to tell though, because she has thinned out some fur from her grooming.
Her appetite has slowed down with food, she will, however, snatch a milkbone out of your hand before you’re ready to give it to her! And beg for people food, which she never used to do.
Her personality is definitely changed, and hubby and I kinda like this personality better ;) She is much more affectionate and cuddly. Always wants to be near her people. If I am laying on the couch or bed, she will jump up and put her body in a “play bow” state - her front legs on my chest, and supporting her body with her hind legs still standing. Does she not want pressure on her tummy?? She will also curl up next to me and fall asleep. In the past, she was a dog who’d get pets and cuddle for a minute, then run off to play, or “give you her butt” by turning around before settling down to cuddle. She is sleeping more, too. Doesnt usually start a play session, but if another dog does, she will get in it.
She is LICKING almost anything - people, pillows, herself, toys, etc. Many times she falls asleep doing this, as well.
No “morning sickness” yet, thankfully. A couple of her nipples do appear larger than the others by 2 times the size (or so).
The 28th (her 2nd birthday) if the first breeding took, the fetuses’ organs & structure should be fully developed!
12/22/09 = so ... Kylee didnt eat dinner last night or by this morning (we left it out for her). I sat next to her for breakfast and she ate some, but didnt finish. Guess that matches what the chart says from Dec 20-27 = “dam may be off her feed for awhile” !